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Wednesday, July 28, 2010

APPALLING!!! Court Upholds Expulsion of Counseling Student Who Opposes Homosexuality - Court Upholds Expulsion of Counseling Student Who Opposes Homosexuality

This is completely unacceptable. At this point, there is not even a compelling argument for biological homosexuality. Until there is definitive proof of that biological element, people have a right to believe what they want to believe. They can believe in homosexuality, or they can choose not to believe.

The problem here is, again, someone saying that we HAVE to think like everyone else thinks. No, unkind sirs, we do not. If a student doesn't believe the holocaust was real, are they denied an education because of it? I would certainly hope not. Believing in God is as rational as believing in aliens - should one of those students be denied an education based upon their beliefs? No. Students should be able to logically argue ANY point and remain in school.

To take away supposition and debate is to squash all intellectual and educational expansion. If someone in the future wants to deny said student of a position at their school, that is their right. But the right to an eduction should NEVER be based upon a student's belief system.

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