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Tuesday, July 13, 2010

Campaign Heats Up to Move All-Star Game Out of Arizona Over Immigration Concerns - Campaign Heats Up to Move All-Star Game Out of Arizona Over Immigration Concerns

Frankly, I think this has gone too far. Illegal immigration is - hello - illegal. We need to stop handling criminals with kid gloves, whether they are illegal immigrants, domestic abusers or shoplifters. People know right from wrong, and if they choose wrong, they need to deal with the consequences. Its our government's job to ensure that law-abiding citizens are not paying for the crimes of those who are not law-abiding, and certainly those who are not citizens.

NAACP Targets Tea Party As Racist?

Seriously - this is ridiculous. An organization for black people has the nerve to call an organization with no race orientation a racist group? Every group, NAACP included, has racists within their ranks. To try to shut down a new political voice because the president is black and to mark any group against said president as racist is completely out of line. The continued use of the race card is only a way to try to shut down the argument when there is no viable counter. Additionally, continually trying to blame anyone against Obama as a racist actually makes matters worse and not better. Does nobody in this country think for themselves any more? What a huge disappointment.